Authorised Exam Centre

Cambridge English


Authorised Exam Centre

Cambridge English

Register for the exam


The traditional "Opening ceremony of the school year" took place at the Brno and Prague branches

We are happy that the Opening Ceremony with P.A.R.K.em is becoming a tradition. Specifically, this is the event for the top performing Cambridge P.A.R.K. Preparatory Centres and Cambridge P.A.R.K. Exam Centre partner schools, which this year was held at both of our branches for the second year.

During this meeting you could meet the management of our centre, who were available for your questions. There was also an introduction of new members of our team, any news or special offers.

We also welcomed an important guest, the Director of Cambridge University Press for the Czech Republic, Mrs. Františka Lutterová, who also introduced you to the news from Cambridge.

Thank you all for your participation, which was really abundant this year!